Ebner Residence Hall, Interior Painting

Interior Painting


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date3/19/24 11:00am

Bid Date4/4/24 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

Vincennes University Architectural Services
Proposal may be faxed or emailed to: FAX: 812-888-2220 EMAIL: vuarchitect@vinu.edu  


1300 N. Chestnut St. Vincennes, IN 47591

Vincennes University is requesting proposals for the following:

Bid is for repainting of all walls in student suites, corridor walls, kitchen and laundry rooms on the third and fourth floors. Include in bid any patching or repairing of walls for any imperfections down to pinhole size. Additionally, the walls on all floors of the stair tower are to be repaired and repainted. Additional rooms as indicated in schedule on plans.

A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be conducted on March 19th at 11:00am. Meeting will be conducted at the Architectural Services office at 817 N 2nd Street, Vincennes IN with the opportunity to walk the project afterwards.

Please include the following documents when submitting Proposal.

• Bid Form, as attached herein;

• MBE-WBE-VBE Participation Report, as attached herein;


• Bid Form

• MBE-WBE-VBE Participation Report

• (3) 18” x 24” Full-Size Project Drawings