Godare Residence Hall, Interior Painting

Interior Painting


Bidding Closed

Bid Date4/25/24 2:00pm


Vincennes University Architectural Services


1420 N. First Street Vincennes, IN 7591

Vincennes University is requesting proposals for the following:

Bid is for repainting of all walls in restroom/shower rooms, stairwell walls and handrails, laundry room walls and other walls as indicated on the plans. Include in bid any patching or repairing of walls for any imperfections down to pinhole size. Additionally provide a unit cost to repaint a typical student room as shown on plans.

Please include the following documents when submitting Proposal.

• Bid Form, as attached herein;

• MBE-WBE-VBE Participation Report, as attached herein


• Bid Form

• MBE-WBE-VBE Participation Report

• (4) 24” x 36” Full-Size Project Drawings